Saturday, December 1, 2018

Alex 7y,9m/Zach 5y4m - 3/15/2018-4/14/2018

Some more great pictures of Zach in Pre-K around St Patties Day!

My painting model!

Loyola made it to the Sweet Sixteen in Atlanta and we were fortunate enough to get tickets.  We invited the Praters to join us on Thursday night.

Sister Jean was there with her security!

We made TV although Pete is really the only one you can see.

They won!!!  Now on to the Elite 8!

Easter Egg hunt with the Quinn's at St Brigid!

We took the kids to the Elite 8 game in Atlanta and Alex got to meet Sister Jean!!

Another win for the Ramblers!  Now off to San Antonio for the Final Four!!!

Picture of us on TV from the Sweet Sixteen

Spring Break in New Port Richey

Lauren and Pete in San Antonio for the Final Four!

Last trip out on the sailboat

Tellus Science Museum in GA

Lauren working a Volleyball Game