Friday, October 3, 2008

Lea is getting so BIG!!!

Lea is becoming a big girl!!  She is almost 17 months (on the 8th) and she is becoming quite a handful!!  She doesn't like to be held anymore - she just wants to run around everywhere - which makes shopping a lot of fun!!  :o)  I did it for 2 hours and I was exhausted so I can only imagine how Lisa does it on a regular basis!!

Lea and Lisa came over this past weekend.  Lea LOVES to climb up in chairs - she saw the office chair and made a bee-line for it!!

I was at the store and saw the cutest Halloween costume - to bad I'll have to take it back.  Lea wanted nothing to do with it.  I think it was all the tulle that she didn't like but she was very fussy with it on!!  But isn't she cute!?!?!

She liked in much better naked and in her chair!!