Sunday, May 6, 2018

Alex 7y,5m/Zach 5y

My handsome boys!!!

Blast from the past - Alex's 2 year old class!

Zach busy in the classroom.

Zach's Thanksgiving performance!

Our last Many Blessings!

More of Zach at school...

Averie's gymnastics birthday party!

Nana and Lauren's annual Thanksgiving Day trip and tape extravaganza!

The boys playing AWESOME together!

Love us some Auntie LoLo time!

Angela through the years!

 Some fun at the park with Mona, Vikrant and Prithvi!

Davies family!

Alex and the boy scouts!

Zach's 5th Birthday party and Andretti's!

Fun present from Mrs Kim.

Big snow December 2017

Playing good together as we are stuck at home for a couple days!

Alex's 1B class

Zach's class with Santa

Zach wanted to try on a dress to look like an elf!

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