Friday, February 2, 2018

Alex 7y,2m/ Zach 4y,9m

Touch a Truck Alpharetta 2017

Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017.  Zach is above in the box and Alex is the first one you see with the plate on his face.  The school wanted us to do that so they didn't peak around the glasses, I guess not all parents were worried about it.

The principal reading a book to the kids.

Zach, Nicolas and Logan

Cavin, Zach and Ms Angela

Zach and Veronica together again!

Learning about the solar system and rotation

Grandpa Mikos at age 75 years young on top of his 33 foot sailboat mast changing out the light bulb!

Alex's fish tank!

August 26, 2017 - Zach learns to ride a bike at the age of 4 on basically the first try!  Alex still has no interest in doing it!

I signed the kids up for t-ball and baseball.  It was such an amazing experience for both of them - well probably more for Alex.  Zach played in the dirt mainly and looked totally bored.  Alex really enjoyed it, had some amazing coaches and really improved throughout the season!

Zach in his goggles with a water balloon!

The Davies' new puppy! Tebow!

Gigi and the boys!

Samantha, Claire, Alex and Jonathan doing a STREAM project.

Hurricane Irma brought Beth and Avery to Atlanta!!!

Beth & Clayton, Avery & Lucas, and me & Alex.

Zach always looks more like Alex with glasses!

We went to the fire station to see the new fire truck (that wasn't there) but the fireman gave us a ride on a different firetruck!  It was pretty cool!

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