Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Alex 6 years, 11 months/ Zach 4 years, 6 months

My Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Jello molds!

Family Festival 2017

Luke, Matthew and Zach

Scary how much Zach really looks like a tiger!

John's Creek Touch a Truck

Spider Man at Life Time Fitness (but I think he has boobs and he is really a she)!

My first real tweet!

Field Day 2017

Last Day of Kindergarten - May 2017

Mike and Christina's Wedding Day


Fun at Gigi's cabin - Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Zach without a shirt on - so rare we had to take a picture!

Alex and his 8th grade buddy - Jack Yensel

Fun with Lucas, Ellie and Micah

SkyZone for Luke's Birthday Party

Logan, Zach and Luke

Fun day at the Nature Center

Now that Alex can spell it is on...

Look at this handsome boy!

Moana hair fun!

Great Kindergarten class picture with Ms Esser and Mrs Hearn

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