Saturday, June 10, 2017

Alex 6 years, 9 months/ Zach 4 years, 4 months

Zach playing soccer!

Zach dressed for St Patrick's Day!

Daddy and Zach playing basketball at the gym.

2017 Easter Egg Hunt at St Brigid

Analyze, Molly and Alex

Alex being the Magic Man's helper at Jonathan's Birthday Party

Having lunch with Alex at school

Alex and I's date to see Beauty and the Beast

Spring Break 2017 trip down to Gigi and Grandpa's

Naked toddler on a elliptical machine

What is becoming our annual trip to Legoland with the Zercoe's.



Love this family picture!

Zach driving the car I want!!!

Zach driving the mini version of the car I want!

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