Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Alex 5 years, 12 months/ Zach 3 years, 8 months

We haven't seen Cammie that much this year but when these two are together it as if they were never apart!

Date night!!!!  Look at that form!

Family day out at Finding Dory!!

Silly Zach!

In a rare moment with both boys having no shirt.... outside!!!

My sunflowers!

Making biscuits with Dad!

Of course Alex insisting on cleaning up!

Then cleaning his bike.

We did Alex's Birthday Party at a new place this year called Little Gym - we had a blast!

Nemo cake!

Then the next day we celebrated Avery's birthday at a horse farm!

Alex rode his first horse and wasn't scared at all!

Alex and the ladies!

Zach and his bestie Keegan!

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