Sunday, July 24, 2016

Alex 5 years, 10 months/ Zach 3 years, 6 months

Alex and Ellie decorating our new flower box!

Zach loves his Chick-fil-a!

My parents and Uncle Mike in the canoe!

Fun at the outlets!

Pete's film debut in Rudy (picture of the TV)

Zach and Lucas cooling off!

Pete and I at World of Coke after the share holder meeting.

Zach and his chick!

Fun at the mall!

Alex at his p-bone lessons!

May Crowning!

Serious about Lego's!

Lea and Alex

New haircuts! 

Music day at school!

Mom having fun with her Houston friends!

More soccer pictures - Leah and Alex

Zach, Leah, Alex and Avery

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