Saturday, March 5, 2016

Alex 5 years, 6 months/ Zach 3 years 2 months

Making Gingerbread houses at school.

Zach's favorite position to play with his trucks!

The boys were not being very good so Santa wrote a note for Buddy the elf to bring to town.

Alex and all his friends!

Christmas with the family in Newnan.  Notice the shorts - we set a record a record this year in Atlanta - I think it was 72 on Christmas Day.

Trent and Alex bonding over their new watches.

Trying to get 5 kids to all look in one direction and smile at one time... impossible.

We met some friends at Stone Mountain and Zach and I stopped a little over half way - way to much work with this 3 year old.  Alex make it all the way to the top with Gigi!

I have no idea where our Christmas pictures went - here are the after pictures!!  Fire Chief Zach!

Zach's Birthday present from Lolo!

Alex is looking so big!

Our New Years celebration (at 8pm w/ apple cider)!  The boys were so excited about the glasses!

Alex and Zach at the library!  They just opened an new library right near our house with all new books - it is awesome!

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