Monday, November 2, 2015

Alex 4 years 12 months/Zach 2 years 7 months

We had a great May and June with a visit to Chicago for Becky's 40th birthday party and then to Orlando and New Port Richie to say good bye to 1881 Wingfield Dr and hello to my parents new house on the coast.

Zach, always the funny guy!

Zach meeting his new friend Caden!

Trying to get all the boys to pose for a nice picture was near impossible.

For Becky's 40th Birthday at the Conrad in Chicago.  Awesome views!!

All the kids eating together.

Hannah helping to get Zach to eat!  Love it!

Bringing Nana home with us!!

Then in June off to New Port Richie!  Private beach at my parents new place.

This is what happens when you leave Karl alone with the boys!!

Lucas and Alex playing at the beach!

Alex's Orlando City shirt - had to get him one given the color!!

Packing Zach up...

Zach loves his Grandpa Cooley!


My mom's senior picture and my senior picture!

Fun at Downtown Disney!

Zach dragged this all over the store.  It was a battle to get him out of the store without the box!  To this day he still talks about Micky Mouse Cho Cho!

Free ride on the monorail!

One of the VERY few times Zach has fallen asleep in the car!

Sad day!!  Saying good bye to 1881 Wingfield Dr!!  Some GREAT memories!!

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