Friday, June 12, 2015

Alex 4 years 7 months/Zach 26 months

When Alex was born almost 5 years ago I got in a good groove of updating my blog monthly.  For 41/2 years I didn't miss a monthly update.  Well life has finally gotten too busy and I have missed 4 post.  I'm really sad about it but that is life.  Work for Peter and I has been out of control.  The only reason I'm actually able to get a post in is because my work network has been down all day and I finally finished my meetings for the day.  So I'm happy to be back and hoping to get caught up before summer is over.  

Looking back 4 months ago at the pictures it is almost hard to believe it has only been 4 months.  I feel like the kids have really grown in that short span of time.  I couldn't believe in this post that I was adding a picture of Zach's first night in a big boy bed, he is such a pro at the big boy bed it makes it feel like it was much more than just 4 months ago.  

Cousin time!!  Both my sister and I have gotten far to busy with our jobs so sadly we don't get together but ever 3 or 4 months!  Hopefully this will change soon because the kids love getting together.  Above is Trent, Alex and Lea and below is Spencer, Alex, and Lea.  I can't believe my niece is 8, she is becoming such a big girl!!

Dad's barber shop now open for business!!  Pete recently got some new clippers and both Alex and him have been taking advantage or it.

Final product!

Back when it was cold!!  My littlest White Sox fan!

Crazy hair and glasses!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Zach!  Looks much older than he is in this picture!  My little tough guy!

Chillin' by the pool!

Zach's first night in a big boy bed.  I had been worried that this transition wasn't going to go well but he truly amazed me.  When it is night time he gets in bed and doesn't get out until I come get him in the morning, and that is still the case 4 months later!!  So proud of him!!

Alex and the bear!

This was my deal of the century!  Found it at Kohl's for less than $4.  It is way to big but he will grow into it!!  It must have been a Christmas gift return that they thought no one would buy!!  Kohl's loss is my gain!!!  GO BLACK HAWKS!!

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