Sunday, August 19, 2012

Alex - 25 months

I was going to stop with the monthly post by age but it is just an easy way to do it.  So I think I will continue until baby number two arrives.

This past month was a lot of fun.  We started off with a trip to Orlando for my 20 year high school reunion.  It is really hard to believe I have been out of high school for 20 years and even harder to believe that I'm only 2 years away from 40.... CRAZY!!!  While in Florida we got to spend a bunch of time with my best friend from high school, Becky and her awesome family.  We were also lucky that our trip overlapped with the Texas Cooley's (the Chris Cooley family) Lacrosse tournament in Orlando so we were able to visit with them for a few hours.  Alex had a BLAST playing with Maggie and Gracie!

Alex playing Lagos with Maggie and Gracie.

Video - More fun with Maggie and Gracie.  I've never seen this guy get around so good at my parents house.  He was really having the time of his life.

Alex giving his bear a drink.

We were trying to get Alex to do exercises with my Dad but he was more interested in just resting his head on the pillow.

Got the chance to visit with my friend Deac from college and his girlfriend Lisa.

Hanging with Becky!  Felt just like old times!

The reunion kicked off with a family picnic!

Aimee, Becky, and Angela

Becky and I

Becky, Jessica, Bethanne, and me

The family before Pete and I left for the reunion

Almost couldn't tell I was about 5 months pregnant here.

It was a small group but still great to see many faces I haven't seen in probably 20 years.

Alex on the way home from Orlando.  He fell in love with 'Chicken' while we were in Orlando.  He has never really taken to stuffed animals but for some reason when we were at Becky's parents house he saw this Chicken and it was instant love.  For two days it was Chicken this, Chicken that.  Thankfully the Koehl's let us borrow Chicken for the ride home.  As soon as we got home though it was if Chicken never existed - oh well.  He is now back at home in Florida - Alex still hasn't noticed he is gone.

Alex enjoying the baby gear for his brother.

This blog use to be almost all about Lea (sorry Alex has taken over your spot) so I can't miss the update of Lea's first day of Kindergarten!!  Doesn't she look so big!!!

Still working on getting Alex interested in Potty Training.  I bought him some Thomas underwear and we tried them on for the first time.  We have been sitting on the potty each night but still have yet to go. Baby steps I guess.

It has been so hot here lately that we haven't been to the park much.  Today it was some what nice so we decided to head up to the park.

Alex drinking like a big boy!

We went out to the Mexican Restaurant and Alex was having fun sitting next to Daddy!  They also had this great Mariachi Band that was playing Old McDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, and other great kid songs.

Alex getting excited for the new Beer Growler in town!  Okay so maybe it was Pete that was excited but when Dad's excited, Alex is excited!!

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