Alex is finally hitting a little growth spirt. Last time we went to the doctors he had fallen off the charts for weight. I'm hoping when he goes back for his year checkup we will see he has gained some decent weight.
This month we had two exciting trips. First was to Oklahoma to visit my Grandmother and the second was to the beach to visit my Aunt, Cousins, and Cousins' children. Both trips were a lot of fun and of course produced a few pictures.
Alex's first trip to a Mexican Restaurant. He also made his first trip to an Irish pub this past month but I forgot to take a picture of that! :)
Alex packed and ready to go to Oklahoma!!
At the airport waiting on our flight to Oklahoma. We had about a two hour delay and the kids did great.
Lea having fun with Alex.
Trent having fun with Alex
The two guys hanging out!
Pete fishing - doesn't he look like a natural! :)
Alex and the various wildlife at Grandma's!
No children were harmed in the making of this picture...
or this one.
Alex on the way to the lake.
Trent driving the boat! :)
Alex enjoying the life jacket so far...
Lea, Pete and Alex getting ready for a ride.
Still enjoying the life jacket!
Alex and Christina
Alex no longer enjoying the life jacket! We started heading out on the lake and Alex didn't like being confined to the jacket. He had a little fit and we had to drop the Mikos family back off on shore.
A squirrel enjoying the bird feeder.
View from the house we were staying in.
Pete relaxing.
Tim, GG, Mimi, Lea, and Matt ready to make some smores!
Lea armed and ready!
GG trying to show Lea how it is done.
Pete helping Lea out.
The group: Jeff, Pete, Alex, Angela, Naomi, Bob, Christina, Matt, Tim, Lisa, Trent, and Lea (not pictured- GG).
Happy Trent
Alex, Ginger, Trent, and Lea
Alex loves the beads!
Alex in his hospital gown. He never got circumsized at birth so he had to get it done this month. The worst part was him waking up from the anastisia. Once we got back into the car he was back to his normal happy self.
Little guy was taking his time waking up.
Back to his happy self in the car on the way home!

Cool dude all happy the day after his surgery.
My Easter Lily on Memorial Day.
In early May we headed down to Grayton Beach for a little vacation with the Kent family, Aunt Tobi, and Kim, Maggie, Gracie, and Natalie. Alex did a really good job on the 6 1/2 hour drive.
Alex didn't mind the sand...
but wasn't so found of the ocean.
Whenever he puts his hands like this it means he isn't happy.
Gracie loves the beach though!
Connor telling a joke for his talent.
Chloe lip singing while her back up singers take it to the next level.
More dancing by Maggie, Cara, Natalie, and Gracie.
Maggie helping Cara out with her jokes.
Alex getting lubed up for the beach...
at first I thought these faces were just new funny faces he was making for the camera...
like his funny smile or something. Once I took this video the following week I realized what he was doing... - I guess I have taken a few pictures of him and he has figured out how to avoid the flash.
Okay mom enough pictures!!!
Alex chilin' in the pool
Hi everyone!!!
Alex after the long car ride home - he did really good in the car!
If you zoom in on the picture you can see his two teeth!
Last week I was sitting in the office working when I saw what I thought was a dog walk by the window. As I took a closer look I realized it was a lamb. Yeah not something you see every day in your yard. After some call I found out that a neighbor thought it was a good idea to by their daughter a lamb for a pet. They don't have a fence so as soon as they got home the lamb gave them the slip and was on the run terrorizing the neighborhood! :) Last I heard it was still missing.
Biggest mess Alex has made to date!
Happy guy with Dad. Lately he has been a big time Daddy's boy.
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