Alex is such a pure joy!! He is so darn cute and so fun right now. He really is a good baby - happy most of the time!! We just went to the doctors today for his 6 month checkup and he weighs 15 lbs 2 oz (we went last Friday and he weighed 14 lbs 12 oz so he really grew a lot this past week). Surprisingly for a child produced by Pete and I he is only in the 10th percentile of weight - but I have a feeling that will all change in time. He is 26 1/4 inches, which is around the 40th percentile. Of no surprise is the fact that his head is the thing that is growing the best - 55th percentile!! He is starting to eat a lot more so I really expect a big growth spurt to happen soon!!
He is doing really good at sitting up with support. He rolls over from his tummy to his back occasionally and he has rolled over from his back to his stomach a couple times. He is in MAJOR love with his toes - he kisses them (or puts them in his mouth) any chance he can get.
Alex now has two plane trips (4 actual flights) under his belt - pretty good for only being 6 months. He always does really good on the way out but is a little fussier on the way home - overall a really good traveler (thank goodness)!!
Love him in this hat (Thanks Auntie Lauren)
His first baby food - prunes!! I started some formula mixed in his bottle after Thanksgiving and it has caused a little constipation. He wasn't crazy about the prunes at first but now that he has had them so much - after a week break - he is now in love with them.
Was trying to get him with his toes in his mouth. Couldn't get the shot this month but look for one in the next month update.
First few months Lea wasn't interested in Alex at all but now she really loves to see him.
Grandpa Cooley and Alex
Lea wanted in on my dad holding Alex
And she wanted to hold him by herself
Don't worry - he is still a GATOR!!
Uncle Jeff and Alex
What a cutie!!!
All dressed up for her big performance at church.
Lea's photography
She didn't want her picture taken so she hid under the bed.
Merry Christmas everyone...
Alex got way more Christmas gifts then anyone else - guess that is the way it is going to be for now on!!
His first Polo outfit! Thanks Evie and Keith!
His first tool box - Thanks Auntie Lauren
His first car set - he LOVES to watch the cars go around on the track - thanks again Auntie Lauren!
Cute shoes - thanks Texas Cooley's (thanks Kim)!!
He loves his Dancing Monkey - Thanks Grandpa Mikos and Ney Ney!!
Thanks Grandma Studz for the clothes and toys!! Also thank you Autie Cheryl and Uncle Joe for the outfit - I got a good video of him opening that - I'll have to share it with you when we see you next.
Thank you Auntie May for the Snoopy and Woodstock - he is mesmerized by it!
Everyone getting in on the fun with the Jungle Gym
Our first time hosting Christmas in our new house. FINALLY got to use my China!
Alex had fun!
Notice the white Christmas in the background.
Lea and Alex.
Three generations...
now four generations!
The Mikos family's first Christmas as a family of 3.
Pete excited about his Rocky box set from Alex.
For the first weekend of January we went back to Chicago for the Loyola's Men Volleyball Reunion. It was the last reunion in Alumni Gym as they are tearing it down soon.
Alex's perfect little profile. Also his first trip to a fine dinning restaurant - Roy's - one of our favorite restaurants in Chicago and Hawaii - as you can tell we weren't in Hawaii!
Grandma Mikos feeding Alex.
Alex feeding Alex - his first time holding the bottle.
Alex at Alumni Gym
Alex in his posh crib at the Sofitel
Thankfully we made it back into Atlanta just in time. Several hours after our plane landed the snow hit Atlanta. We were stuck in the house for 4 days (I didn't go anywhere for 5 days - thankfully Pete made it to the store Thursday). School was closed down all week so we got familiar with the neighborhood babysitters. Now I know the bad thing about working from home - weather can't stop you from getting into work!! :(
Our driveway was basically a frozen pond! Pete worked very hard at digging us out Wednesday night and Thursday morning. He only fell three times - thankfully he didn't hurt anything!
Alex had his first play date in Atlanta. Phinn is a co-workers son. They live really close by so hopefully there are many more play dates to come.
Alex all dressed up for church.
This is 9 days after it snowed!! Can't believe it lasted this long.
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