Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lea's 2nd Birthday!!

Lea turned 2 on May 8th. We waited for the family to come to town before we celebrated. It was a fun party even if the weather wasn't ideal.

Lea is so cute when she does her "CHEESE", she scrunchies up her face and closes her eyes! Also, she is really into balloons. She hardly let go of these balloons all day.

Bob taking a cat nap!

Lea admiring her balloons.

Lea waking up the sleeping baby. It will be interesting to see how Lea is with her own little sister or brother! Lisa is expecting her 2nd in December.

Matt and Christina

Pete and I

Bob, Grandma, and Jeff

Grandma and her sons - Jeff and Jerry

The men!

Lea did well with sharing her sandbox.

Since the weather wasn't the best Lisa came up with a fun activity indoors!



More cheese and of course the balloons!

There was suppose to be a kiddy pool party but the weather wasn't that great. That didn't stop Lea from enjoying the pool - water or not! You guessed it - Lea was holding her hand out for the balloons.

Lea and Charlie

She loves copying the boys!

The ladies relaxing.

She wasn't good about sharing the balloons. In fact she liked to tease the girls. In the picture above she had handed Sophia the balloons like she was going to give them to her and then pulled them away! Welcome to the terrible 2s Lisa!

Tim - hard at work!

Cake time

The Backyardigans!!

She got a little help blowing out her candles from Jacob and Stella


Last year Lea didn't want to have anything to do with her cake. This year she just dug right in.

She gave up on the fork.

Present time!

I think she was singing Happy Birthday to herself here!

Christina and I

Dad and Pete getting in on the fun!

Lea and Mom

Excited about more presents

She loved her little bear that sings and dances. So much that I don't think it dances anymore.

We went shopping for Christina a wedding dress and I had Lea playing dress up with the fur - don't worry it isn't real!

She has a thing for mannequins. She kept trying to get them to pick her up... "uppy".

Four generations

The ladies!

The girls

The Cooley girls

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