For our wedding we created a slide slow. Here are some of my favorites...
Pete and Tom! I think it is interesting how both our parents had 33 ft sail boats when we were growing up!!
So darn cute in his little suite!!!
Aren't they so cute all dressed up!!
Nancy and Pete at Great America! Look how much strollers have changed!
Grandma and Grandpa Studz with all (at least some of them) the grand kids!!
From the stories Pete has told me he was very proud of the stuff he had hanging in his room growing up.
I bet in 1996 when Pete was at the Olympics he had no thought of ever living in Atlanta!!
I hope they had their pants on at the dance!
Isn't he the cutest!!
Look at the comment in the picture below - you'll understand why Spider man has on boots!!
Pete use to love cowboy boots as a kid - I'm glad he grew out of that phase!
This is my ALL time favorite of Pete!! So cute!!!!
Notice the Purdue shirt!!
Look at skinny little Pete
Little Casper the Friendly Ghost
All his flying around wore him out - Pete is so cute when he is sleeping!
Pete and the Easter Bunny
This is one of my favorite pictures of the three of us. We were out for my 30th birthday!!

Family cruise

Ali and I - young and skinny!!

Becky and I - don't we have nice tans!! Living in Florida will do that for you!

Marti, me, and Becky - I think this is either at the end of our Junior year or at the beginning of our Senior year.

This is a picture from when we lived in Sleepy Hollow. We had this park in the neighborhood where we had neighborhood BBQs, Easter Egg Hunts, and Softball games. Jeff, me, Mrs Baumhofer, Lisa, Holly, Tracy, Bob, Dad, and Christina

Every other summer when we'd go to my Grandmas we'd also combine our trip with a stop in Houston to visit the Texas Cooley's for a week. This trip we went to their Lake House - Chris, me, Casey, Lisa, and Christina.

I think Christina looks especially cute here!!

The Cooley kids! Chris, me, Amber, Casey, and Lisa

This was an old wooden bridge that we had to cross over to get to my Grandmothers. I think we took a picture here because it was one of the last times we were going to ride over it. Next summer when we came back they had belt a more modern cement bridge. :o(

This is one of our first skiing vacations!! This is either Snow Shoe West Virginia or Colorado - I can't remember which one.
Every summer we would go to Grandma Webster's. It was always so much fun. We would always fish and swim in the lake. One of my favorite memories was going up to this gas station and getting a bag full of candy!! We'd be given a set amount of money and we could fill the bag with whatever we wanted that equalled that amount.

Family picture

Me and mom
Disney World's Tea Cup ride - Christina, me, and Lisa
Lisa and I
One of our Cooley get togethers at the halfway point between Orlando and Houston. Chris, me, Casey, Lisa, and Christina
I think this is from one of our summers in Houston. Chris, me, Casey, Lisa, and Christina
Lisa and I playing at the Sleepy Hollow house.
This was taken at Robert's Cave one summer in Oklahoma
The outfit I'm wearing here was one of my favorites of all time. I think I wore it until it started getting holes in it. These crutches I have in this picture were from when I sprained my ankle on the swing set - I don't think I really needed them but I thought it would be cool so I convinced my mom I needed them.
Everyone has a naked rug picture - right?
Who doesn't love naked shots!! Don't you love my granny panties!!
Me and Lisa in some of our dress-up clothes we played with as kids.
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