In mid February I went to New York city to take a class. Ideally I would have gone when it was warmer but it was kind of neat to see snow in the big city!! The traffic was HORRIBLE on the day it snowed. It was also a lot of fun taking the sub-way and bus each morning to class - I felt like a real New Yorker!!

Here is me braving the snow and cold weather!! My nice, new warm scarf helped a lot!!

Here is my gracious host Steve!

Here is the entrance to Steve's place. It was really cute. A bit small but actually pretty big for New York standards!

The only tourist thing I had time for during the week was a trip to Ground Zero on Friday.

Mom - this is the bridge I was telling you about. We walked over this area in 98. Now it is a temporary bridge over the road.

Here is a Memorial Wall by station 10.

Here are all the fireman and policeman that lost their life during 9/11.

Wall Street was really close to the sub-way stop so I walked down the street to take some pictures. Here is a blurry picture of the entrance to the New York Stock Exchange.

George Washington in front of the Federal Hall.

One of Trump's buildings on Wall Street

There was a lot of security in this area.

Front of the New York Stock Exchange.
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