First stop for this post is Newnan for Trent's 5th birthday.
Zach and Spencer enjoyed sharing their love of trains!
These guys are going to be trouble together!!
The following week we had Alex's Many Blessings Festival.
Video: See his performance.
If you know Alex at all you have heard him talk about Cammie!!
Lucia (on the right of Alex) is another girl in his class the Alex loves to play with all the time.
Handsome Zach!
Zach, Lucas, and Alex - turkey heads drinking smoothies!
Setting up for Christmas! Since we have a couple trips the month of December we set up the tree Thanksgiving weekend! I think it is the earliest I've ever set up the tree. Guess we are just following in line with all the stores setting up Christmas early (I think Target had Christmas stuff up before Halloween was over)!
Zach helped decorate but he has also been known to grab ornaments from the tree and throw them on the ground! Thankfully very few have broken!
Buddy made his 2014 appearance as well!
Maggie helped me with our Christmas card pictures - hopefully everyone has gotten their cards by now! Here is what went into the card!
My little trouble maker causing trouble!
And having a blast doing it!
At least he is good about cleaning up his own mess!
About this time Zach had enough!

Big Mickey and Minnie
The Davies' family enjoying a Thanksgiving weekend up at my parents cabin.
We celebrated Zach's 2nd birthday a week early since we were heading to Florida.

Video: I love how he says Hello!
Before we headed out of town we stopped by to see Santa! It was a big production at the mall this year. I think I like the simple version best but this was interesting.
Zach giving the high heels a try! He did really well walking in them!
Video: Happy Birthday to Zach!
We celebrated Zach's birthday again with my parents! Zach does not like to get his hands dirty so uses only his mouth to eat his cup cake!
Alex loved the Kid Zone!

The first night it was really rough. People were getting sick all over the place. Otto had taken some medicine to help him and it made him a little tired. He actually fell to sleep while waiting for dinner.
The boat had ABC, ESPN, and Disney channels - all channels our family loves! The rooms were bigger than I was expecting so that was nice.
Princess time!
Mickey Mouse Chocolate bars were the favorite of the kids (and Pete too)!!
Video: Tearing up a rug!
Otto, Zach, Lucas, Colette, and Alex
Avery, Michelle, and Angela
Colette, Michelle's youngest and Alex were fast friends!!
Zach was being silly when we were outside for the Pirate celebration. He kept saying he was scared and closed his eyes! It was really cute!

Doctor, Doctor!!
Alex was in heaven meeting Doc McStuffins!
On our way home we stopped by Kennedy Space center. Unfortunately we didn't do our research because it would have cost us $140 to go so we just took some pictures from the outside and bought the kids a couple rocket ships from the gift shop!!