Friday, November 7, 2014

Alex 4 years 3 months/Zach 22 months

The weather has been perfect lately so we have been spending a lot of time outside.  Wish the weather could stay this way but I know the cold weather is coming!!!  Alex is getting really good at riding his bike and loves doing it!!

Zach still hasn't gotten the handle on peddling so he mostly just pushes himself with his legs or just pushes the tricycle!

Pete and I were able to get away for a date night and the boys had a party with Lucas!

Fun time with cousin Spencer!

My new client for work is P&G.  I have made a few site visits and on my last trip I got a tour of their archive.  It was really cool to see there old advertisements and products.  The picture above and below were babies they used in there Ivory soap commercials a long, long time ago.

I had forgotten about this shampoo that I used as a kid but seeing it brought back a lot of memories of taking a shower in my parents bathroom and using this shampoo.

We also got a chance to take in a Reds game.

Alex and I took in the annual Football game in October!  It was great weather and a lot of fun!

Zach isn't even two yet but has gotten really good at putting shoes on - mostly just his brothers shoes but pretty impressive for a 22 month old.

This is how Zach drinks his milk!  :)

We enjoyed the Alpharetta Scarecrow Fest...

 ...until right after this picture Zach tripped in front of Alex and I.  Zach face planted into the gravel and Alex spilled his snow cone and fun broke down REAL fast!

Hard to see in this picture but Zach ended up with a fat lip and scabs on his nose and lip.

Alex showing his love for the Gators!

The boys are finally both old enough where I can sit back and relax at the park and just watch them!! It is nice!

Ice cream time at the park!

We are so proud of Lauren for running the Chicago Marathon this year!  Even improved on her time from running it several years ago!!

Max!  The latest addition to our family!  Not our but grandpa's new dog!!