Sunday, February 17, 2013

Alex 31 months and Zachary 2 months

This past month we were finally on our own.  All the family had finally left town and we had to learn to balance two kids.  I have to say I thinking being a full time mom has to be the hardest job in the world.  It is getting easier for me as we get a routine down but I'm kinda looking forward to going back to work.  So mad props to all the stay at home moms out there - I'm very impressed!!

Zach has been growing like a weed this past month.  At his two month appointment he was the weight of a 3 month old (13.3, 83%) and the height of a 4 month old (93%) and he just keeps getting bigger.  As you will see below he is more fun every day.  He is smiling and cooing and it makes life so enjoyable.

Here is Zach sleeping so peacefully!

 Alex getting dinner.

Alex watching TV ON daddy.

The boys in their Loyola hats.

Alex exploring at school on donuts with dad day.

Zach representing the Sox.

 Alex showing love to Browny.

Alex actually asked to hold Zachary.

Alex held his teddy bear like this all the way down to Newnan (1 hour).

We left Lea in charge of Alex upstairs and this is how they looked when they came downstairs.

 Then since Alex loves purple so much he insisted on putting this one on himself.

Spencer and Zach.  Spencer is about 3 1/2 months older but Zach is gaining on him.  They are both in six months close.  Thankfully Zach on the smaller size and Spencer on the larger size of 6 months.  We had thought we wouldn't be able to share clothes around 1 year but it is looking more like 9 months.

A couple of weeks ago Alex got really sick and was unable to keep anything down.  In this picture Pete is poised to catch whatever may come out so it doesn't get on the couch or our new rug!  :)

We finally had to take him to the hospital because he got so dehydrated. He looked so pathetic.  He was a really good patient though.  The nurse said there are 10 and 11 year olds that aren't even that good when being stuck by a needle (for the IV).  He barley made a sound when they stuck him.  Then when all the nurses left he turned to Pete and said, "Daddy can you take it out", but didn't really fuss when Pete said he had to leave it in.  I think he was to excited that the nurse had found Dora on the TV before she left.

 Starting to look a little better with fluids in him.

And even better a little bit later.

Big Zach!

I had forgot at one month to take the giraffe so I will start at two months.  Zach is wearing clothes at two months that Alex wore at 6 months. 

This is Alex's 6 month picture.  It is a little closer up but I think they are some what the same size.

Video:  Happy Zach

Alex tucking in a blanket around Zach.

Video:  All aboard