Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alex - 26 months

What fun 2 years old is!!  I'm really enjoying spending time with Alex.  His vocabulary is really growing and he is almost speaking in full sentences (at least 3 or 4 words now).  He amazes me with the things he knows.  Like the difference between want and need.....  The other day we drove into the sun and Alex says - "I need sunglasses".  The other morning the first thing he said to me was -  "I want a dogie".  The the next morning he says to Pete - "I want a muffin".  He really knows what he wants, where he wants to go and he definitely isn't afraid to tell you.  Fun!  Fun!

Alex has a new seat in the house.  Two pillows stacked on each other and now he has added another pillow behind his back.  If he is to sit on the couch he wants his seat built for him!!

Monkey is Alex's new best friend.  This little guy provides Alex with plenty of fun.  He tucks him in some nights, he takes him for a ride in his shopping cart, and as you can see above he even shares his milk with him.

I got Alex a new backpack and he was in love with it from the moment he saw it.  He wanted to wear it everywhere (that only lasted about 1/2 a day though).

The Davies' welcomed their third child, Spencer Edward Davies, into the world on August 24th (the day before Lisa's birthday) at 10:31am.  All 7 lbs 14 oz of him.  He is the biggest Cooley baby to date.  Although I'm starting to have a feeling baby Mikos 2.0 might have him beat - we'll have to see.

I finally gave Alex a spiked hair cut.  If you have seen him lately you know the back ends up that way anyways.  This do only lasted about 30 minutes - he just doesn't have the type of hair meant for styling and I'm not going to put to much product in his hair at this age!

Alex's first trip to the Dentist.  We just had an exam this time (no cleaning or x-rays - saving that for next March).  He did really well and didn't even cry. 

He also enjoyed a little TV time while he waited.

Video:  Alex loves to march and Aunt Lauren really got him into marching with the flag.

Alex LOVES to get behind the driver's wheel.  He especially loves to wear cool glasses when doing it!

Another thing Alex loves - cleaning!!  And I'm not joking - all forms of it.  Whipping tables, sweeping floors, picking up ice and putting it in the kitchen sink, throwing things away, the list goes on!

Alex playing with his buddy Phinn at the park!

Alex not only loves to march and play the drums he also really enjoyed playing the piano!

Alex seems to have a lot of LOVES.  He loved wearing mom's shirt this day (couldn't get him to take it off for several hours) while he tried to serve daddy tea while he was trying to nap.

Here is Alex trying on his new winter coat.  I'd say he Loves this too!

Alex shopping!

He also loves wearing bows (the type you put on presents) in his hair!

Loves pushing monkey in the shopping cart while he wears his fireman hat!

Loves eating the cupcake off a piece of paper.

When Alex heard mommy was out for a walk without him he made a break for it and chased her down the street!!  Three or four times this past week we have gone for pretty long walks (w/ him actually walking).

On the way home from our walk he saw a kitty cat that he wanted to have.  Wish I could have gotten this picture from the front.  He is so cute the way he extends his arms out and makes these gestures with his hands.

This day he was loving on his Teddy bear.  I love how he shows no interest in something for almost a year and then he has to spend the whole day hanging onto it!!  Then the very next day it is like it doesn't exist again!!  Guess that is just an attention span of a 2 year old!

He drove in the car for about 45 minutes with the bear like this in his lap!

Spending time with his favorite cousin (sorry Trent and Sky right now there is no contest).

Spencer at 3 weeks old.

On the way down to Newnan we talked about Alex holding baby Spencer.  Once we got there and he started playing with Lea this is about the most attention he gave Spencer.  No desire to hold him.

Lovin' for the cousins!!

Love these pictures!

Tried to get Alex and Lea to nap together - which was pretty much a disaster.  Alex ended up in Spencer's crib crying himself to sleep because he wouldn't sit still in Lea's bed and he got himself over tired.

Video:  Here is a video of them before I had to break them up.  That is Alex's giggle at the beginning.  Sounds like a girl almost but I LOVE it!!

Alex and Pete having some iPad time with Barney.  Alex is obsessed with that purple dinosaur.  I have to say he isn't as bad as I had imagined.

Usually mommy rides the train with Alex but this time Alex wanted Daddy.  Daddy wasn't so sure about it but loved it in the end (and I was surprised he fit in so nicely).  This was one of our first train melt down experiences.  Alex rode the train once with Daddy and then met up with me in a store near by.  Pete was trying to distract him with cartoons that were playing in the store but as soon as the train when by the store and whistled Alex bolted from his chair in front of the TV and was 2 or 3 stores down before Pete caught up with him.  As Pete started to bring him back he started crying - 'I want to ride cho cho!'  Needless to say mom and dad are softies and mom rode the train with him again.  Thankfully the conductor took pity on us and gave us a free ride (mostly b/c I bought the 10 rides you see on the sign above - yes I am a sucker)!!

Alex's new football hat!

Alex LOVES to stop and smell the roses every chance he gets!!

We had to take a family picture for Alex's new preschool - this was the best we could do!  Alex started going to preschool at the Catholic Church 3 days a week.  He seems to really like it and it is SO much better than daycare.  He is only there until 12:15pm and then the rest of the day we found a great lady to come over and watch him!!  He still has Tuesday and Thursday to have his love affair with Annabelle (his girlfriend at daycare).