On April 18th Alex had ear tubes put in both ears. It took us longer pre-op then it did to have the surgery and recover. I think he was in surgery for less than 10 min and we were in post-op for no more than 15 minutes - Alex just wanted out of there. It has been amazing the difference the tubes have made. He is talking so much not it is crazy. He repeats everything (you'll have to ask Pete about what Alex repeated during a Sox game Pete and Alex were watching).
This is Alex before surgery!
For Easter I actually came up with something crafty and if you know me that is pretty amazing. I'm particularly amazed at what a big hit it was with the Davies' kids. This is several weeks after Easter and they are still wearing them.
Ms Sky Nunez and the cute outfit I got her!
Alex being Alex!
At a Touch a Truck event. Alex wasn't that into it at first but by the time we were ready to go he finally got more into it!
Just wish we could combine Alex in this top one and me in this bottom one! I need to get Photo shop or something!!

Checking out the back of an ambulance type vehicle.
Got these cute golf clubs - right off the bat Alex carried them around like he was at the golf course.
Check out Alex's first bouncy house experience!
On May 14th Pete graduated from Emory! I can't believe it has been 3 years - I both feel like it was forever and it went by fast. I'm so proud of what Pete accomplished and what he learned. I really do feel he grew in so many ways from the experience!! I love you Peter!!!
Alex didn't make it to graduation day (due to timing and how long it was going to be) so we went down a few days before hand to get a few pictures.