Not many pictures from this month but there will be a whole bunch next month as we just got back from a trip to Houston.
Alex is really starting to repeat everything we say now. Thankfully he hasn't heard anything bad yet. If you look at the video of him pulling weeds you will hear him say camera. He is really saying all kinds of things.
This month he also has had a little problems with balance at day care. Twice he has fallen and hit his eye on something. See picture below.
You should see the other guy!!
Alex also has a new hobby. Helping his mom and dad pick weeds. It is really helping to clean the yard out. We will go outside after getting home from daycare and he will lead us into the house, into the kitchen where we keep the bags. He will point and grunt until we pull a grocery bag out and then he will lead us back outside to pick weeds. It is really too cute!! Sometimes he gets so tickled when we pull a certain week - it is as if he has never seen something so funny.
Alex has a deep love for balloons. He knows right where they give them out at Publix and if I forget to go over there right away he starts pointing and saying balloon.
He is also starting to get more confident at the mall playground. For the first time this month he went through the little tunnel.
Here are some great videos from this past month...
You can always search angcooley on YouTube to find all of Alex's videos.