I'm a little behind on getting this update out but it has been kind of crazy here. I hosted Christmas for the first time. It was a lot of fun (I finally got to use my china). Grandma, Bob, and Jeff drove over for a long weekend, my mom and dad came up and Christina and Matt drove over as well. And of course, the Davies joined us. Those pictures will hopefully be posted in the next few weeks as well.
I've always been one to take pictures but I think I've taken it to a whole new level with Alex. As my mother-in-law said, "when Alex gets bigger he is going to need to take a whole day just to review his baby pictures" and she said that a month or two ago - so now it might be a whole week!! :)
As you can see he is getting bigger. I just looked back at his 1 month picture and he was barely longer than the giraffe and now look at him!
He was taking a little cat nap after a meal.
One of Alex's first art projects.
We got another set of professional pictures done in early December and I could not have been happier with them. He is such a cute little guy!!
This is my other favorite!
Little guy LOVES his feet. He can even get them in his mouth now.
This is a picture of a picture - thought it was so cute though.
Alex's first flight. As Pete said it took him 18 years before his first flight - Alex did it at 4 1/2 months.
This one is a little out of order - this was at the end of Thanksgiving Day!! Little guy was worn out.

Like father, like son!
Alex is ready to eat!
This is the... awww come on mom... face that I'm sure he will have many more times in the years to come.
Lizzy - Jordan and Brian's daughter.
Babcia (not sure if I spelled this right - Boo-shah)
Peter taking his father duties seriously.
Auntie Kay and Alex
Grandma Mikos and Alex
So how Pete got the kids excited about 52 card pick-up
...and Lauren got a good action shot of it.
The Mikos Family!
Alex visiting his friend Lucas (or is that his long lost brother)
...they do have the same hair-do.
It pretty much just came right out but after a few tries he is pretty good at eating things these days.
it's those toes again...
Pete got a picture of Alex and I napping together.
Alex is becoming at pro at sitting up.
An interesting car I was parked next to.
Our first Christmas tree!
Showing off Grandma's Christmas outfit to him!
Little guy all ready is employed!
Check out this video of Alex rolling over. I was so excited I was able to catch it on video.