Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Alex turns 1 month old

Alex turned one month old this past Sunday. Here is a picture with his giraffe - I'll try to take a picture with this giraffe each milestone. He is getting big, making better eye contact, and starting to make all kinds of noises.

This was actually taken before his month birthday - he is all ready for football season to start!

We just moved him upstairs at night. He is really liking his crib - even if he looks so small in it.

He is also starting to enjoy play time. He doesn't do much but look around and move his arms and legs but I think he is enjoying himself.

And not to forget Lea - she started her first dance class this past week. Looking as cute as ever!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Alex's Photo shoot!

We recently had some professional pictures taken of Alex. He probably wasn't the easiest newborn to shoot since he was awake during most of the shoot when he should have been asleep but he is like his mommy and doesn't like to miss any of the action.