Trenton Timothy Davies was born at 7:27pm on 11/27 (Friday).
Weighing in at 7.096 lbs

But then she realized cartoons were on and he wasn't all that interesting anymore
Proud Papa!
Trent's first day at home
Big sister Lea is happy Trent has finally arrived. She was getting tired of the fake babies!!
Lea kissing her baby brother
Me holding little Trent
She was very interested in holding her baby brother at first...
But then she realized cartoons were on and he wasn't all that interesting anymore
Kissing Sasha's spot
Lea loving on her uncle Matt
Mom and Lea at the park
Lea getting loved on by a puppy
She is a strong little monkey
But she isn't very found of her shadow chasing her
showing mom that she did take a nap
even if she had to fake it for the camera
I love the way she carries her baby. She always put her hand behind her head like that.
She was having fun with her new toys
Until she put on her outside outfit!!