Lisa is due in just over a week and I'm so interested to see how Lea reacts to not being the Queen of the household any longer. She is getting so big and really developing such a fun personality. She is so stubborn and strong willed!! Should be an interesting dynamic in the Davies household soon!!!
I found this older picture on Pete's iPhone from when we moved in. Lea was eating her lunch on our driveway and looking cute as always!!!

Lea has been having fun with the fall weather.
What kid doesn't like to be raked up with the leaves.
She still love, loves her uncle Pete!!
Lea has him playing some type of game!
Lea is REALLY into baby dolls. Here she is feeding them but she like to bathe them, put them to bed, etc.
So Tim and Lea were playing with chalk the other day and he had her lay down and drew her outline. Now she wants to do it all the time. And not only that she wants her 8 month pregnant mom to get down on the ground so she can draw her too! Lisa wasn't having that!!!
Her left arm was a stub because she was moving to much!!
More leaves!!!