Back to DC! We went to DC again at the end of March. We originally planned to go so Pete could check out Georgetown (he did really well on his GMAT - YEAHHHHH) but, it also turned out to be the weekend after Mike graduated from an FBI program so his parents, Becky, and Hannah were in town! It was such a fun weekend. I also got to hang out with a few of my friends as well. Friday night Auntie Kay and Uncle Gregg took us out to the great restaurant to celebrate Mike's graduation - Old Ebbitt Grill - It was so good!!!!

Becky and Hannah posing with their lobster!
Mike and Pete
Auntie Kay and Uncle Gregg
The cousins!!
Becky, Mike, and Hannah
Mike and Hannah in front of the FBI building!

Hannah, Mike, and Becky at the US History Museum
This Easter was a very special Easter I will never forget, I was welcomed into the Catholic Faith at Easter Vigil Saturday night. It has been an amazing experience and my new family has been extremely supportive of me through the process! Thank you to everyone for the well wishes and all the gifts! Every day I think what a lucky person I am to have met Pete and to have married into such a great family!!
Easter Sunday we drove down to Newnan to spend time with the Davies! Lea is just so darn cute I can't take it! She is really talking up a storm now and you can understand about half of it!
Lea and her new Barbie. She carried that thing around with her everywhere. She does this weird thing with her hair where she just keeps pulling it - maybe she is brushing it. I think you can see it in the video at the bottom.
She loves her Uncle Pete!!
And more cheese! She is just starting to say it - but only on her terms!
Now we are outside for the Easter Egg Hunt. Lea's idea of an Easter Egg hunt is standing on top of her slide and throwing the egg so Pete can go pick it up!
Then once Pete handed it to her she'd throw it again. She got the biggest kick out of it.
See - how cute!!
Pete helping her get one of her eggs!
Don't ask because we have no idea - but it was pretty funny!!
Here second Easter hat for the day!
Tim made Lea this great sandbox - she is working on getting into it gracefully!
Tim hiding the Easter eggs - aka placing them on various places on the grass.
Jacob, Lea, and Stella. Lea also loves Jacob - it is Jacob this, Jacob that when he isn't around.
I think Jacob likes her too but I don't think he'd admit it!
Lea on the hunt!
Daddy - get that one!
I'm sure she was saying something that Pete couldn't understand!